
Baptism in Vallegrande

Monday, February 24, 2014


So next week is carneval, and so we won´t be able to email. We´ll be in our house sunday through tuesday, so we just have to wait an extra week, kinda sad but yeah.
This is my new companion Elder Advincula. He is from Cali, Colombia, and has been in the mission for 1 year. He is super excellent teacher and we get along really really well. He is incredible at soccer, like super super good. We´re both really excited right now to go out and find the people the Lord has prepared for us. We have some high goals for baptisms together and we know that we can accomplish them! We´re both way excited for the work.
The picture is taken at an internet place :D they´re super popular here. Mine is a shirt from the University of Chile, Elder Corrales gave it to me :) His is from Colombia. 

Monday, February 17, 2014


Wade said they would be in Utah and miss the youth temple trip Saturday :) but missing out on the temple is sad. I´m really missing the temple in my life right now. haha only after three months I wish I could go so bad. Is Kieran a lot taller too? I am still in the same area, but my new companion is Elder Advincula. He is from Columbia and is super awesome. We get along really really well, and he wants to work super hard and baptize tons :D So this is going to be an awesome cambio (English translation: change)! So I'm pretty happy. Nothing really big changed other than my comp and he´s awesome :) I love you tons and hope that everyone is good this week. Tell everyone hi for me :)

Monday, February 10, 2014


Mom: The ground looks dry. Hasn't it been raining a bunch?

Elder Evenson: Well it always gets really hot afterwards :D so it drys a bit. It isn´t always pouring rain, but it has rained every single day the last month. If only a little bit. Yeah she has lots of family. Everyone here does. But we only can ever meet with just a person or two in every house. Families here all live together.

Mom: Why can you only meet with just a person or two in every house? Are they never all home at the same time? Is that so they can stand living with each other? Who is feeding you now? 

Elder Evenson: Because not everyone wants to listen. They figure the visits are only for one person haha not sure it's tough here though. And yeah that's a part, different people are there at different times. Haha people here are just more patient and loving in their family. They have always been together, they don´t know any different. It's just the culture. And we have a member feeding us, and the food is super good :)

Mom: Have you enjoyed living with another companionship? Will that be the same after you get your new companion?

Elder Evenson: We don´t know...Everything could change or not. If I stay in this area, then yes. It´s been super fun. I like it a lot, but there are times that it´s a bit distracting, but most of the time its really good. I like it personally :)

2/10 Service Project

Just sent the message with the picture! And here are some pictures of a service project we did. It took like 4 different days to chop down all of this tree. Possibly 5 haha we started chopping it down when we first got here :D All we had were dull axes and machetes haha. But we finally conquered it!


Here is us at the baptizm!! We baptized la hermana Maria Mosa. She´s an older lady who was an investigator of gold! We met her the very first day we were here in this new area, and she accepted the gospel so fast. Really goes to show you that the people are out there, just waiting to receive the truth. That´s why missionary work is so important!! We are in charge of finding those people prepared by the Lord. The baptizm was so cool. The spirit was incredible. Everyone was so happy. :)

Yup I got to perform it! :) She is pretty sweet. Very very quiet. Like she never had questions. Ever. So we aren´t exactly sure how she decided to be baptized :D haha she just hardly ever talks. I guess she asked me. She told the elder who interviewed her. It was really cool though :)

Tuesday, February 4, 2014


I am emailing a bit early today because we have an activity! :) Its just volleyball but its still way better than no activity. I´m doing good this week though. The Hermana I was telling you about earlier, Maria, has her baptism scheduled for this Saturday!! So that will be my very first one :) Elder Corrales and I are super excited that we will have one together. The next transfer is next wednesday and his time training will be done, so i´ll get a new companion next week. It´s been raining a ton here and our area is super super muddy so I´m just a mess every day :D Its all good though. How is everything there?
As for staying in the area, I don´t know. I´ll find out the night before :D but most likely i´ll stay here because most missionaries don´t move around a ton. Like 4 to 6 months in one area usually. Like Elder Corrales has one year in the mission, but only three different areas. I have two already :D will the letters have pictures of people?? But oh man Mckade is big! haha That´s really cool though that other kids look up to him :) I´m super proud of that. :) (McKade won "best role model" at his school's "Best of West" assembly).